Editor's choice, Guidelines, Podcast

20 Important factors to consider while purchasing a perfect domain name!

This blog post talks about the 20 important factors to consider while purchasing a domain name.

Written by Pratham Yogendra
Posted on - 5 min read
Development, Digital Transformation

7 essential ingredients for making a perfect website

Website is not just a URL these days, it's the brand value of yours. Let's have a look at the aspects of a good website When someone starts a new business or thinks about personal branding, he/she needs a website for the establish their digital  presence. Meaning, they need to build a website or a [...]
Written by Rahul Bhardwaj
Posted on - 5 min read
Editor's choice, Guidelines, Podcast

How expensive are the inexpensive websites?

People choose low cost websites, but later on cheap websites has lots of disadvantages. I tried to explain in my way how costly a low cost websites can be.

Written by Anup Kumar
Posted on - 10 min read
Cyber Security, Security

20 Reasons why Telegram is better than Whatsapp?

Telegram is better than whatsapp a popular platform among users who are concerned about online privacy and security. Not everyone is aware of it but you should know how much data you are sharing with the common apps and how they are processing your data. I have never synced my phone contacts with Instagram or [...]
Written by Rahul Bhardwaj
Posted on - 5 min read
Guidelines, WordPress Security

How to Improve the Security of WordPress Site?

Are you worried about WordPress security? You’re not alone. Most website owners are looking for ways to protect their WordPress sites from hackers, given the growing volumes of cyberattacks on WordPress sites. The popularity of WordPress, which makes it the preferred CMS for all kinds of websites, is one reason for the high number of these attacks. But, there […]

Written by Anup Kumar
Posted on - 11 min read

Disable Git in PhpStorm – Ultimate solution of system crash – Fixed

disable git in phpstorm Git is the ultimate reason for a system crash regarding IDE like Visual Studio Code (VSC) or PhpStorm.It’s an incredible feature but only for small projects or if you have lots of memory & CPU, which is not the ideal case for developers. But when your project is large and has 1000+ files, […]

Written by Anup Kumar
Posted on - 7 min read