Digital Library, Podcast

What is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

Written by Pratham Yogendra
Posted on - 5 min read

Hackers perform a Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS) on servers and networks to disrupt the incoming traffic by flooding the target spaces with bots.

Bots are a group of connected computers that are infected by malware. They are used to increase the traffic of a website.

Once the attack is performed, your digital space is flooded with insane amounts of traffic. This traffic would be far more than your server’s capability and it would cause real or actual humans to not be able to visit your digital space.

In simple terms, they would be denied the service by the digital space.

Think of it this way, you own a food delivery app. And, your incoming orders suddenly spike from a single location to order every cuisine from every restaurant registered with your app.

Now, the amount of incoming  orders  from a single person would be enough to disrupt the service for other consumers.

Why does it matter for brands?

Well. In this situation, you would only cater to a dummy traffic or a dummy consumer who is just in the digital space to disrupt your consumer experience.

This disruption in consumer experience will negatively impact your:

  1. Credibility
  2. Sales
  3. Reliability

How does a DDoS work?

In the simplest of terms, a DDoS works in two phases:

1.Building a botnet:

Hackers use remote and connected computers from all over the world. The usual work case scenario lies around infecting Computers, Smartphones and IOT Devices across the world with malware.

This malware will slowly allow the hacker to remotely control the devices and execute target operations. These infected devices are known as bots or zombies.

2.Flooding a website:

The next step is to use the botnet to attack or flood a server with multiple requests simultaneously.

In addition, a server cannot differentiate between a bot and a human. Therefore, it allocates requests on a  “first come, first serve” basis.


And, this causes the website to serve the bots on a priority scale and ends up making it difficult for the server to process any new requests.

Yes, we, at NexGen, will help you secure your digital space from a DDoS attack. Contact us at and we’ll be there to help you.

Read more about it here: What is a Proxy Server? and how to disable direct IP-access?

Will NexGen help you secure your digital space?

Yes, we, at NexGen, will help you secure your digital space from a DDoS attack. Contact us at and we’ll be there to help you.

The best example of a DDoS attack is from the year 2000. A 15 year old hacked known as Mafia Boy/Micheal Calce took down major websites such as Yahoo, CNN, eBay and Dell. He coordinated the attack using a wide scale of university servers.

How to stay safe from a DDoS?

A Proxy Server would help you to secure your digital space and provides an extra layer of security.

In simple terms, A proxy server is a gate that separates your computer and the Internet. Meaning, when you type an URL, instead of searching for it on the Internet, Your request will first go through a proxy server and then, to the Internet.

Read more about it here: What is a Proxy Server? and how to disable direct IP-access?

Will NexGen help you secure your digital space?

Yes, we, at NexGen, will help you secure your digital space from a DDoS attack. Contact us at and we’ll be there to help you.
