
How to block Youtube Ads

Written by Rahul Bhardwaj
Posted on - 5 min read

You will need around 1430 life spans to watch all the videos on Youtube.  With about 400 hours of video content being added every minute, nothing is free forever, which is why we need to pay a small price in terms of our time. By watching ads, we support the content creators and developers but with an increase in the duration of ads, you have to watch them for a longer duration. And this leads to more and more people asking the same question – How to block youtube ads?

Sometimes the ads are useful, as you are targeted because of your usage history. But sometimes you have to watch the 30 seconds commercial for watching a 2-minute quick video and the ad is pretty irrelevant to you.

Most of the time users want to stop or skip the ads but they don’t know how to do that. Adblocking is not illegal. Let’s get started then.

How to block ads in Chrome Browser

It’s pretty easy to install an Adblocker plugin into your browser and get rid of those annoying ads. It also prevents you from full-page ads and popup ads.
Open a new tab in Chrome and click on the colorful square grid on the left corner of the screen. Select Webstore. You can directly access the web store by typing chrome://apps/ into the URL bar.

new tab in chrome browser

Type Adblock in the search box on the left panel and click on the Add to Chrome Button.

open chrome web store and search ad block

Cheers, you’ve saved a lot of data and time. Have a look at Youtube with and without AdBlock installed in the browser.

Without Adblock plugin.
As you can see there is a huge banner ad set to autoplay.
how to block youtube ads

With Adblock plugin installed
It not only blocks the banner ads but also blocks video and sidebar, pre-roll, and bumper ads.
you tube after blocking ads

Adblock works on Youtube and other sites as well. You can save yourself from spammy pop ups as well.
Here are the direct download links:
Chrome Browser: Download link
Mozilla Firefox: Download Link
Adblock Browser for Android: Download Link
