Install SSL certificate for free in Digital Ocean using let’s encrypt ubuntu
Hi Guys, SSL is the most prominent factor in SEO and digital marketing, even most browsers show it as non-secure when you don’t have SSL installed on your site and your visitors get away. So in this article, I will cover how to install a free SSL certificate if you use any cloud server with […]
How to remove spam/virus
We recently discovered SPAM/virus to have infected our client’s website. And, after understanding it and removing it, we felt the need to share the how works with our readers too.Symptoms of this SPAM in WordPress: You are often being redicted to URL or to your website’s admin panel. This spam works even […]
Free antivirus for Windows 10?
Free download antivirus for Windows 10. Many people ask me about the best antivirus software for their Windows PC. Mostly computers run on Windows 8 or Windows 10 operating system these days. Microsoft solved this problem by introducing Windows Defender with Windows 8. You can rely upon Defender as it’s made by Microsoft itself all […]
Disable php script execution in wordpress upload folders using htaccess
Checking each plugin security is very difficult while working with wordpress. It required great skills of PHP language. So here I’m (Anup) to help you guys how you can disable execution of PHP or any other script.How attackers use this to install malware in your website?Each plugin and wordpress in itself upload all media files […]
How to avoid spam emails and 10 free temporary emails websites to avoid.
How to avoid spam emailsEvery morning, you get up and the first thing you do is check your phone. When you check your phone, you usually see loads of emails that you received at night. Certainly, most of those emails contain irrelevant content. The root cause of receiving these spam emails is due to the […]
10 Tips to protect your privacy on Facebook
Changes you should make right away to set up Facebook privacy. Facebook is a great website platform for keeping oneself up-to-date with the latest news from your friends, family, and coworkers. For the most part, you can share your mood, a funny gif or upload a photo within seconds. But, you got to be careful to protect […]
20 Reasons why Telegram is better than Whatsapp?
Cyber security tips for humans
Cyber Security is an important factor nowadays when we share our personal, financial data over the internet on a daily basis. Someone said precaution is better than cure. So we have listed 10 important cyber security tips for you. Most of the web-services are secure and no one can breach that security layer. It’s nearly […]
How to access blocked websites in India using a VPN?
NexGen Innovators: WordPress Protection | Brute Force Attack Prevention
Steps to Stop Exposing your WordPress user’s details in wp-json API.Step 1. Check user list is exposed or not.You can add wp-json/wp/v2/users at the end of your website and if it prints list of your users then you haven’t disabled it. like in case it will be you are getting something like below […]